Your Money Story

Corryn Kivett
5 min readJan 16, 2019

We all have stories. Stories we consciously and subconsciously live by.

Stories about college, success, spirituality, marriage. Stories around climate change, pollution, recycling. And stories around politics, race, and humanity.

There’s one story I want to talk about in particular.

Your money story…

I had an untold story with money. A relationship that was familiar and stagnant.

My money story came to light when I read “Earth is Hiring” by Peta Kelly — a badass, high conscious, paradigm shifting book for all you soul fire people out there. A piece of her book talks about rewriting your money story and up-leveling the relationship we have with money.

Hence the idea of “your money story”.

Now it might sound a little out there — and it kinda is — which is why I dig it.

Do you know how you feel about money?

Really, do you? Can you get present for a moment and feel?

While you’re feeling it out,

Here’s a side note…

Money knows how you feel about it.

And it’s effecting everything.

Before we can rewrite our money story, Peta encourages her audience to write a love letter to money.

I wrote mine and

It’s raw, it’s real, it’s awesome.

Take a peak, write your own, let your soul speak, then share it with me and the world.

To my money bae,

Thank you for allowing me to live this beautiful life. Without you, my life would be boring as shit. Because of you I can do all the yoga, traveling, social media scrolling, coffee shop collaborating I want. I was just thinking the other day, how badass it is I can go to a coffee shop and pay for a latte, scroll on the speedy fast wifi, getting work done. Man, this world would be a lot more dull without you.

I want to be honest though. I haven’t always felt this way. We’ve had an interesting relationship. In the past you’ve come in and out of my life, but I always seemed to hold you at a distance. See, I feared that the more I wanted and desired you, the harder it would be when you didn’t show up. The tougher it will be on my heart.

The more I wanted, the more judgement I had around who I was. Feeling like I didn’t deserve to have you. How would people view me and what if I had more money than everyone else. What made me so special?

I thought that in order for you to be my life, I needed to be something better. I needed to be smarter, prettier, more adventurous, more courageous. I thought I needed to work hard, to grind, to hustle, to compromise or fix myself. I thought I needed to be something I couldn’t.

I was angry. I didn’t trust you. I wasn’t sure.

How come you chose to be with other people, to share your joy with everyone else, when I was doing everything I could to attract you. Pushing harder.

When you did circulate in my direction I held on to you so tight. So worried you wouldn’t come back to me.

I was tense, constricting, and controlling.

Now, I see I was pushing you away. It isn’t about holding on tight, being different, working harder or struggling. You weren’t showing up because I wasn’t showing up for myself.

I wasn’t in alignment with my soul.

I didn’t see how I was pretending to be something I wasn’t.

Being in alignment means we can work together.

I can have the career, the job, the gig, and all the dancing I want with you flowing around me.

Knowing full well you’re my best friend that will support my travel goals, help me build a conscious business to transform people’s lives, and give me the pleasure to take all the dance classes my body craves. Because of you I can give my entire family a Christmas vacation. I can buy organic produce giving my body what it wants to be properly nourished and feel alive! I can easily surf the web, hop on amazon and order the supplements I need to give my brain the juice it thrives on.

You give me my home, my car, my clothes. You keep me safe and you bring me joy.

Thank you for that amazing feeling I get when I can circulate you in the direction of those who need some hope or security. Sometimes, I feel like you’re a miracle. You’re a beautiful speck of possibility that people can use to build their dreams. You’re that bit of hope, faith, trust, that everything will be okay. That security blanket, the big bear hug that I never want to end.

I love that I can circulate you in all directions. In fact, if more humans consciously circulated you in a positive direction I know you’d be giving an abundance of hope to people around the world.

I know that the more I give the more I receive. There are no bounds to your love and now that I am more conscious of you, I will share my appreciation and be more affectionate.

Mother Earth needs more conscious people circulating their money towards earth healthy products and I thank you for reaching the people who know how to take care of our planet. It is not you who is responsible for the climate changes, greed, war, homelessness, it’s us. You’re responding to our vibration, moving in sync with our frequency, individually and as a collective.

I know you are ready to take this planet to the next level. I can feel you’re just waiting to be spread to all the people who are ready to re-write their money story and live an abundant life.

I am asking you to circulate in my direction, my peers direction, and in the direction of all who are creating, evolving and upleveling their spirit so we can transform life as we know it. I know that in order for you to be the overflowing tap of abundance, we need to meet you. We are both on the dance floor of life and change will happen a lot faster when we dance in sync.

With every cell in my body, I thank you and welcome you with open arms. Allowing you to contribute to me so I can contribute to others.

Let the dance begin.



Your money story is 1,000% up to you.

It’s your turn to be the author.



Corryn Kivett

Creator of Evolution Room. It takes courage to change and follow your dreams.